Santosh Bhandari

Santosh Bhandari

developer • gamer • writer

About ME

•  Full Name:  Santosh Bhandari

•  Age:  22

•  Location:  Kathmandu, Nepal

•  Hobbies:  Programming, Playing mobile games, Listening to music, Writing in peace!

I have been using computer since the age of 13. Thus today, I cannot imagine my day with computers! I enjoy learning new stuffs (NOT THROUGH BOOKS) and while doing so I usually break stuffs. But that still gives me some new knowledge, so I am mostly happy with that.

Most of my days usually have a busy schedule so I am unable to learn new on weekdays, but I spend most of my weekends using computers to backtrack everything I missed and be upto date with the current trend!

I gained interest in computers since the very first time I saw them. Since them I have learned most of the stuffs myself with the help of internet and also breaking own PC's hardware! Regarding the programming and development, I got into all this back in 2014 through Pokémon! Being a huge fan of pokemon games, one day I ended up on a pokemon fan game development facebook group, which then inspired me to make on my pokemon fan game. Then with the flow of events I ended of learning asm programming and using Visual Studio on my own! Since then, I have learnt many stuffs on my own and also through my Computer Science course in college.
Talking about the current date, I am still learning something new and also trying to improve my skills as far as possible.

I like to know more and more people around, so do stay in touch with me, and keep visiting!
I do have some amazing plans and schedules set up which might be interesting for you.

Till then, Have a nice time! STAY SAFE!

My skills

Programming Languages

Javascript, C, C++, HTML, Visual Basics, SQL

Front End Technologies

Vue.js, Nuxt.js, CSS, SCSS, Bootstrap, Bulma


Git, Travis CI


Github desktop, Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code, JSON
Skilled with Github


"Conflict is the gadfly of thought. It stirs us to observation and memory. It instigates to invention. It shocks us out of sheeplike passivity, and sets us at noting and contriving."

John Dewey